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  • Writer's pictureIlleas Paschalidis

Words Cannot Express

Dictionary  page with the word love on it

I cannot find the words to express my gratitude:

A thousand times I have said thank you.

On occasion, I may even use a thank you very much,

To show the extent of my appreciation.

And in circumstances beyond that, right after the very much I may add:

This means so much to me or

I owe you one or

I really appreciate it,

Which is all cliché, but true.

If you catch me repeating these phrases,

You must know that my gratitude is not insincere;

There are simply few words to describe the extent of my thanks.

It so happens there are also not enough words to show the depth of my love—

How my heart has a special place reserved only for you.

When you hurt, my heart aches.

Seldom have I cried for myself, but I’ve shed a thousand tears for you.

That, however, cannot be expressed by just, I love you

I love you is not like thank you:

I have heard many half-hearted thank you’s,

But very few false I love you’s.

Still, the infinite scope of love that is present only in the deepest depths of my heart

Is not well expressed in three words.

Because loving you to the Moon and Stars and back again,

Is not far enough to show exactly how I feel about you.

Unlike love or gratitude, I have many words to express hate.

I’ve long collected an array of cruel expressions:

Words that target the deepest insecurities;

Words that cut deeper than blades;

Words that kill.

Oh! The slaughter in words;

So many I could use to bring on such torment:

I could end any love in so few words;

I could break you in just a few more.

In spite of the many at my fingertips,

Each is but a double-edged sword,

And the blade pointing at myself is much sharper and will scar much deeper.

When love is lost,

Words are lost.

I cannot quite describe the pain in my heart.

A mortal wound

Hurts less

Than this.

And while I one day may smile at the thought of what was

I am now only blinded by tears at regret.

Because I’m sorry for your loss has no meaning,

When all I want is for you to hug me one last time.

Please know that it is because I loved you so dearly,

That I cannot find the right words to pay your loss.

In the ever-extensive lexicons gifted to humanity

(This being the most effective solution to the problem of communication),

Words limit feeling:

They are hollow in their nature,

Because they are nothing but letters and sounds with assigned meaning.

Yet, that does not mean there is no feeling behind them—

That there isn’t love or hate or loss or gratitude present in every word I speak;

Because I do care and I try with every word to try and tell you how I feel

And I can only hope you understand because you too have struggled to put such to words

The emotional vocabulary of Man cannot quite be found in any dictionary

Only in his heart does it exist.

And only in the things he may do every day is it expressed.

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