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  • Writer's pictureIlleas Paschalidis

Still-Standing Shed

An old wooden shed with shrubbery growing over it in the middle of the woods.

I wish to meet the man who laid

the bricks of this still-standing shed:

worms have feasted on ancient bones,

his calloused hands destroyed, yet, his creation

remains, standing, still.

The floorboards would creak,

if there was someone to stand on them;

they say here the breeze is an

old phantom’s call but I’ve never been


Alone in a woods which had reclaimed this land—

dams raised and burrows dug by animals

that did not live to love or war. Violence left only a ruined

land for trees to liberate. All the land

ruined before a still shed, ever-standing.

I imagine it was once a rendezvous for two, soon spooked

at the wails of the wind; the very same rang on these grounds

when man took up arms against man,

signing treaties on a table upon which an old woman once placed

her still-steaming crumble.

I know not the names of the dead here.

Nonetheless, I cry to their ancient breeze, begging for answers

about a past I never knew and a future I cannot know;

why may a shed stand longer than me?

These cries join only the graveyard’s chorus.

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