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  • Writer's pictureIlleas Paschalidis

Blood-Stained Sheets

A blood splatter on a black canvas

With paralyzed limbs, he lies

Covered with today’s mess,

Sleep evades him, spiting heavy eyes

Still tossing and turning at tomorrow’s stress

All upon the blood-stained sheets

Should you cast an eye upon his face,

And see him in this withered state,

Covered in bile and waste,

With familiar shame, he relishes in his fate

And disappears under the blood-stained sheets

Oh! What a poor fellow,

Crying under this cover,

Poor man, do you know the world can still see you below?

Do you know, standing near, they all wonder

If they should lift the blood-stained sheets?

Who knows the origin of the sheet's gorey design?

Perhaps it is his, perhaps it is mine, Perhaps the whole world bleeds upon those sheets

One day, we will witness his fatal fall

From the sheet, we’ll see him tie his noose

Hanging, he’ll scream of our abuse

And I know not if it is you, him, or I at fault

Yet, there must be some blame on the blood-stained sheets

But now, let’s leave him to his will

Leave him to rest and live and love and cry

Let him choose to avoid us still

Let’s leave him to die

Under the blood-stained sheets

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